Broadcasted on: Wednesday, 17th of July 2024 at 17:30 UTC
Broadcasted on: Wednesday, 17th of July 2024 at 17:30 UTC
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Apologies for Absence
To receive any apologies for absence from any Members.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2024 as an accurate record.
Disclosure of Interests
Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) they may have in relation to any item(s) of business on today’s agenda.
Urgent Business (if any)
To receive notice of any business not on the agenda which in the opinion of the Chair, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency.
To receive announcements, if any, from the Chair, the Mayor and the Head of Paid Service and Returning Officer.
Croydon Question Time
To receive questions from the public gallery and questions submitted by residents in advance of the meeting.
1. Can you please explain why you have not funded new footpaths around Selhurst shops and the top of Gloucester road. The footpaths here are in total disrepair, awful looking, are uneven, are a health and safety trip risk, water lingers and rubbish collates. For decades blotched jobs of very poor quality have been done. The pavements rightly should have been replaced 20 years ago, but have disintegrated to disrepair and health and safety danger. Why has Selhurst pavements been neglected to total disrepair and when will you fund new footpaths?
2. Community energy is thriving up and down the country facilitating cost savings for thousands of public sector and public serving buildings. So why, unlike most other London councils that are benefitting from having solar and other energy upgrades fitted at no costs to themselves, does the council seek to charge rent for projects discussed with Croydon Community Energy, putting them at risk of not being financially viable to progress with the projects. Can the council outline its stance on supporting such projects, commit to 3-month timeline to resolve differences and discuss potential avenues for increasing support in the future?
3. What is being done to stop drug dealing and antisocial behaviour caused by drugs? On my road there is no CCTV there is frequent graffiti, I have been harassed by people on drugs making inappropriate comments, my neighbours frequently spot drug dealing taking place in broad daylight.
4. Parking Controls changes - please explain Croydon Council’s actions. PayPoint is worse - less convenient, slower, more difficult than systems elsewhere. Croydon Council consulted on parking - then did something wholly different. How Croydon consulted public over making all free time-limited parking two-hour Pay-by-phone only. Formal consultation starting next day not mentioned at last Public Questions despite question. Croydon defying Equality Act - Pay-by-phone only parking schemes - discriminatory against older + disabled people. Croydon unable to operate free time-limited parking with no proof of arrival, although standard across London, including TFL. Parking times not related to location – as normal elsewhere.
5. In Ireland, all public libraries are funded by the State in the interests of literacy and levelling up. Is the Council prepared to seek a similar support from the incoming Government?
6. Given that our Shirley library is the only local amenity within walking distance, easily accessible for older residents and young mothers, and serves as a vital meeting place for various community groups, what specific factors and data are driving the decision to close it given that Shirley actually has increasing visitor numbers compared to other libraries? Considering the growing demand for local groups to use the library and the impracticality of expecting people to walk long distances or wait for buses to visit another library at their expense, what alternatives are being proposed to meet these diverse community needs?
7. In regard to the closure of Shirley Library can you explain why it is deemed essential to keep the library open at New Addington and not provide an easy to reach library that is well advertised with weekend opening for the residents of Shrublands estate.
8. Closure of a local library reduces opportunities for local residents to experience social contact in a learning environment, especially the young and the elderly population. Has the council considered the negative effect of this, despite being charged the same council tax as residents in other parts of the borough?
9. Shirley Library is in danger of closure. There are restrictive covenants on Shirley Library and the beneficiaries of these are residents whose original property registration number is higher than SY7794 (the library's registration number) and form part of Wickham Road Estate. There are at least a hundred of these beneficiaries. My question is Has the Council held a meeting with the beneficiaries (as they must by law) to see what they want - either to keep the library or negotiate financial compensation.
10. Will you support keeping Shirley Library open?
11. How much council tax revenue does Croydon Council receive from properties in Shirley?
12. I have lived in Mill Lane for over 25 years, and 4 years ago the residents of our road applied for permit parking due to the further concerns about the creation and expansion of Purley Cross Shopping centre and the added problems this would bring to existing parking issues. Whilst we understand that finances are tight, this would have brought an increase in rates and rents payable, more jobs, which is good for the borough. We in return have received nothing, a large increase in traffic, noise, rubbish and pollution. We would be grateful of if you please look at our request for permit parking from June 2020 for the 12 houses on our road, and grant this.
The Croydon Debate
For Council to receive a Public Petition and / or a Member Petition.
One Member Petition has been received. The petition has been verified and is worded as follows:
“We the undersigned kindly request Croydon Council to implement a pedestrian crossing on Pampisford Road as close to Christchurch Road as possible.
Local residents and parents of children attending Christ Church Primary School, Fennies Nursery and Purley Nursery School have long been concerned about difficulties and safety challenges in crossing this busy road, with vehicles on Pampisford Road frequently speeding and mounting the pavement to get around queuing traffic.
Despite recent efforts from Croydon Council such as the erection of bollards and the Healthy School Street scheme for Christ Church Primary, significant issues remain and without further traffic calming measures, we can only fear the worst.
In the interests of road safety, we urge the Council to take swift and appropriate action.” -
Reports to Council
Proposed Changes to the Constitution - Staff Employment Procedure Rules
To approve the proposed changes to the Constitution relating to the Staff Employment Procedure Rules.
Appendix 1 - Report, General Purposes Committee, 10/06/2024
Appendix1A - Part 4J Proposed Changes to Staff Employment Procedure Rules
Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report
To consider the Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report.
The Use of Special Urgency for Key Decisions and Exemption from Call-in December 2023 to June 2024
To note the use of Special Urgency for Key Decisions and Exemption from Call-in from December 2023 to June 2024.
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
To adopt and approve the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy as set out in the report and appendices for publication.
Appendix 1 - Cabinet Report Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2029
Appendix A - Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
Appendix B - Homelessness - Rough Sleeping Review
Appendix C - Summary Homelessness Strategy Consultation Report February 2024
Appendix D - Delivery Plan -Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
Appendix E - Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024- 2029 EQIA July 2024-5
The Labour Group Amendment to the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
Council Housing Asset Management Strategy
To agree and adopt the Council Housing Asset Management Strategy as set out in the reports and Appendices.
Appendix 1 - Asset Management Strategy
UPDATED Appendix1 - CHAsset Mangt Strategy - Following Cabinet
Appendix 2 - Equality Analysis Form
Appendix 3 - Supplementary Appendix Scruinty - Council Housing Asset
The Housing Resident Engagement Strategy
To agree and adopt the Housing Resident Engagement Strategy as set out in the report and appendices.
Appendix 1- Draft Resident Engagement Strategy 2024-29
UPDATED Appendix1 - REStrategy 2024-29 - Following Cabinet
Appendix 2 - Resident Engagement Consultation
Appendix 3 - Resident Engagement Strategy 2024 - 2029 EQIA July 2024
Questions to the Mayor and Executive
To receive questions from Councillors.
To agree any in-year changes to appointments to committees.
Maiden Speeches
For Council to receive the Maiden Speeches of the newly-elected members of the May 2024 Ward By-Election.
Council Debate Motions
To debate the following motions submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rules.
Conservative Group Motion
This Council RESOLVES that:
Council notes that steps have already been taken to fix the Borough’s finances, including raising Council Tax and reducing spending.
Council believes that securing the Borough’s long-term financial sustainability can only be done with Government assistance. The burden cannot fall on residents alone, it must be shared with central Government.
Council therefore agrees that the new Government must urgently finish the work to agree a long-term deal, without inflicting yet more pain on Croydon’s residents.
Labour Group Motion
This Council RESOLVES that:
This Council congratulates Sir Keir Starmer on his election as Prime Minister and welcomes his new Government’s decisive mandate, seeing it as a long overdue opportunity to bring change to this country and to Croydon after 14 years of failure.
This Council welcomes the opportunities the new Government’s manifesto will offer Croydon and its residents, including:
- Rebuilding Britain with wealth created in every community, including Croydon.
- Getting our NHS back on its feet, facing the future.
- Making our streets safer.
- Creating workplaces where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
This Council endorses the new Government’s commitment that public service is a privilege, and that the new government will treat every single person in this country with respect, ensuring that people’s voices are listened to by decision makers at every level of government.
This Council welcomes that Croydon now has hope for a better future with a Labour government that will put governing back at the service of working people.
Executive Mayor's Scheme of Delegation
To note the Executive Mayor’s updated Scheme of Delegation.
(For information only).
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Minutes - 22 May 2024
Public Questions_final_with response_17 July 2024
Public Questions_final_with response_17 July 2024
Public Questions_final_with response_17 July 2024
Appendix 1 - Report, General Purposes Committee, 10/06/2024
Appendix1A - Part 4J Proposed Changes to Staff Employment Procedure Rules
Appendix 1 - Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report 2023
Appendix 1 - Cabinet Report Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2029
Appendix A - Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
Appendix B - Homelessness - Rough Sleeping Review
Appendix C - Summary Homelessness Strategy Consultation Report February 2024
Appendix D - Delivery Plan -Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
Appendix E - Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024- 2029 EQIA July 2024-5
Appendix 1 - Asset Management Strategy
Appendix 2 - Equality Analysis Form
Appendix 1- Draft Resident Engagement Strategy 2024-29
Appendix 2 - Resident Engagement Consultation
Appendix 3 - Resident Engagement Strategy 2024 - 2029 EQIA July 2024
Appendix 4 - Resident Engagement Structure
The Labour Group Amendment to the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
NEW Appendix F - Supplementary Appendix Scruinty - Homeslessness Rough Sleeping
UPDATED Appendix1 - Council Housing Asset Mangt Strategy - Following Cabinet
Appendix 3 - Supplementary Appendix Scruinty - Council Housing Asset
UPDATED Appendix1 - Resident Engagement Strategy 2024-29 - Following Cabinet
Appendix 5 - Scruinty - Resident Engagement Strategy
NEW Appendix F - Scruinty - Homeslessness Rough Sleeping
UPDATED Appendix1 - CHAsset Mangt Strategy - Following Cabinet
Appendix 3 - Supplementary Appendix Scruinty - Council Housing Asset
UPDATED Appendix1 - REStrategy 2024-29 - Following Cabinet
Appendix 5 - Scruinty - Resident Engagement Strategy
Executive Mayor's Scheme of Delegation
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