Members are
invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) they
may have in relation to any item(s) of business on today’s
Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair of Council for the Municipal Year 2024-25
Council will hear a short
speech from the outgoing Chair of Council, after which Council will
receive nominations and vote on the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council
for the municipal year 2024-25.
Political Balance of the Council and Composition of Committees
This report fulfils the
Council’s duty to review and determine the representation of
different political groups on certain committees at its annual
meeting or as soon as practicable thereafter. The subsequent duty
to make appointments to those committees, giving effect to the
wishes of the political groups allocated the seats, is dealt with
in a separate report to be considered by Council at this
This item is for the Executive
Mayor to notify Council of any changes to his Scheme of
The Mayor's Annual Statement
This item is for Council to receive a
statement from the Executive Mayor reflecting on the previous year
and outlining his priorities for the year ahead.
The Leader of the largest group of which the
Executive Mayor is not a Member will be
invited to respond.
Your description will be sent to Civico along with a snapshot of player data that will help us identify the
and improve the player experience on this site.
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